Thursday, May 27, 2010

Eastern Greene Middle School

Eastern Greene Middle School (Bloomfield, Indiana) has begun an awesome One Girl Program at their school.  The girls have done a lot under the direction of a few adult leaders--but have done a lot themselves.

Their Mission Statement is:
"The mission for the ONE GIRL program is to look beyond all imperfections and find a leader inside each and every young lady.  Our goal is to build strong women for the future generations.  Women who can lead themselves and others into a more promising future.  ONE GIRL's mission is to help you find who you really are and teach you how to impact everyone you meet in a positive way.  We want to build a relationship within young lives with the most reliable friend, God.  We truly believe one girl can change the world, and we want that to be you."

Their Motto is:
"One seed can start a garden, one smile can lift a spirit, one candle can light a room, one conversation can start a friendship...ONE GIRL can make all the difference."

They have also come up with a logo to use on their materials.

One of the neat things that happened during a recent visit to the One Girl Program at Eastern Greene Middle School was that Claudia Mitchell, one of the co-authors of the book, was able to talk to the girls and read each of their personal mission statements.  She said that they were amazing!  These girls have so much potential.  There were about 25 girls present during our visit and were told there were about 40 during the fall.  In addition, a few boys who meet at the same time as the girls, wrote "The One Girl  Poem", posted here with their permission.  Thank you to Kurtis Moffitt and the middle school boys who signed the poem.  Below is the poem--written in purple crayon--that the boys wrote and performed for the girls.

And the translation:
The One Girl Poem
Like a young flower that blossoms in the spring
Is how One Girl started, with Marcy and a dream
The pain and struggle of an 8th grade girl
One can only imagine, like a nut and a squirrel
She hurries around, running to and fro
Dressing and Dancing, hair and make-up to show
The 8th grade boys are so immature
Their bodily gases that smell like manure
Deep down they love you, admire your beauty
Staring at your dream and character
Never your booty
Ladies...don't kiss or fart or date a guy who does
Use One Girl knowledge
To find the ONE Guy who loves

From One Guy"
Kurtis and the boys reading and acting out the poem they wrote.
The girls attentively watching the boy as they present the poem

If you have One Girl stories of your own send them to

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